Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Adventures Under the Mountain, Part 2

So, once we'd gotten our rest, we discussed what to do next. Y'see, the Valkyries that the Director brought were holding the line against the rest of Rigvar's frost giants and we had to get out. I wanted to fight our way out with the Valkyries, but the Director decided that, those of us who took the gems of Utgard-Loki essence were too important. I must have looked upset, because she assured me there would be plenty of battle on the way out (what can I say? I want to put mom's training through it's paces).

I'm kinda taking a shine to the Director, by the way. I mean, she's strong, and poised, and beautiful... arg... I feel conflicted. I mean, I really like Claire, she's a lot of fun... but I kinda like the director to... maybe momma Indigo can offer some advice on the matter, she's experienced with this sort of thing, right? Though, is it really a good idea to develop feelings for your boss? This is complicated stuff...

I'll worry about that later. Hal and Lexi pooled their abilities to find a good way out. We took a side tunnel and Claire did this thing where the pulled stars down into her hand and made a web across the tunnel behind us. It was pretty cool. I wonder what other things we'll all be able to do. Maybe I should start researching this stuff?

Anyway, we made our way along, but we knew we had something in the tunnels ahead of us. Turned out to be some trolls trying to annoy us to death with falling rocks, pit traps, and other things. Never did any damage, but boy was it aggravating. Hal snuck forward on the ceiling (yeah, he can fly, BTW) and death from above'd the bastards. Lexi sounded mad, I think she was trying to stop them with her charm-fu but we ran in, weapons swinging. The one I took on tried to run and I put my axe into it's back. It was a damn good throw. :)

I got an Earth channeling stone finger trophy out of it. Kinda ugly, but maybe I can do something with it. A pendant, maybe? Or a bracelet setting? I'll think about it.

Lexi did get to do her charm thing on one troll, who led us down a slightly safer path out... except that it led through a dragon's lair! I was so pumped to fight a dragon, but nobody was down with that idea. It's like something out of fantasy! Fight the dragon, get the girl, save the day! I want that! But then, trouble started.

Ya see, Lexi's divine hotness made that troll fall madly in love with her and wanted her for a wife. Reasoning with it wasn't working. Somehow, it got to figuring out it had been tricked and started to get loud. Hal grabbed it and we began a debate about saving or killing it. I wanted to get rid of the thing. I mean, it's a troll. Sure, it helped us, but that wasn't exactly free will, there. Given the chance, it would try to kill us.

So, I tried to kill it. Lexi wasn't happy with that and stunned me with her beauty. I was kinda mad at her for doing that, but she wanted to deal with it herself. So, she gave this big speech to send the creature on its way.

I need to pull the group aside and have a talk about what to do with prisoners, in the future, so this doesn't come up again. I think all that noise woke up the dragon.

Next Time: Part 3, Meddling in the Affairs of Dragons

Adventures Under the Mountain

Strap yourselves in, because this is going to be a long one.

So, I hadn't been at MIST very long before I got grouped up with a bunch of other Scions (apparently that's what people like us are called) and sent on a mission. Heck, we didn't even have time to get acquainted! The MIST Director (who is a hot blond, herself, I might add) sent us to Whittier, Alaska to find out why the MIST crews stopped reporting. Apparently another team had gone in and went missing, too.

Now, naturally, being from Florida, I prepared for cold weather. Well, what no one told me is that Alaska is still warm this time of year! The gang got some good laughs out of it. >.<

So, we took a ferry out of MIST (It exist in a sort of "space between spaces" sort of way. Don't think about it too hard.) and landed us on a ferry south of Whittier. I also got to meet Hal's buddies then, too. They looked like a bunch of military vets. though not in the grizzled old soldier, sort of way. More like, still young, but have seen some shit.

We rented some 4 seater trucks and drove the rest of the way. When we got there, the city wasn't exactly brimming with people. I think someone said the population is only a little over a hundred. So there was this big abandoned building where we started our investigation.

It was kinda creepy in there, but we didn't have time to think about that. Our noisy entry (Hal's buddies breached the door SWAT style) attracted a bunch of misshapen goons down on us. I got roughed up a bit, but we took them down, easy enough.

A little bit more searching of the building had us find a room that I really didn't want to go inside. I mean, when you see a hardened military guy vomit from what he sees, you get second thoughts. I was filled in later that the place was a charnel house of human bodies stacked like meat for the cooking.

Hal told me he spoke with a ghost of one of the missing MIST agents... guh, it's making me sick to think about this part. This guy, Ives, was forcing the captives to... ugh... EAT each other. I'm told that cannibalism in these parts is what makes people become creatures called Wendigos.

We were ready to leave, but Andrew had some owls do some scouting for us and reported to him about the mining camps. Apparently the other agents of the Titans (ancient big-bad-evil-guys) had enthralled the workers and were making them dig into the mountain, instead of rebuild the city. I was ready to go kick some ass, but Andrew stopped us. I don't know what he did, but he found out Ives was still in the building.

So, we went down to the lower floor and were confronted with this long hallway. Perfect for an ambush. I decided to play the bait and called out Ives for a fight. I... wasn't expecting a giant Wendigo to come bursting out of the wall. All I remember is a lot of pain and blacking out.

I woke up outside. The team had killed Ives (the Wendigo) and called in medical support for me and Lexi. She got punched around pretty bad. Oddly, that's where Claire and me began to bond. She had helped treat my wounds in the building and was still harping on me for getting nearly killed. I made a few lewd jokes about her having her fingers inside me. She seemed to enjoy that humor.

So, the Director showed up with a woman named Idun (there are so many hotties working for MIST, it's crazy!) who gave me this pink stuff to drink. Healed me right up. I still felt like I'd been at a club all night, but it was pretty cool. I wonder if we can get some of that for the next mission?

The director told us Ives wasn't really dead and he'd come back if we didn't... boil his heart and drink it. At least a wendigo's heart is a block of ice. Still we all took a drink and my GOD. It was like... liquid nitrogen, going down! I felt a lot faster and overall stronger, afterward, though.

Andrew had learned other things about what was going on. I... only half listened... ehehe... something about an alliance between this Frost Giant leader, Utgard-Loki and someone called Ang... angry... (*searches again*) Angrboda. Okay, I'm not up on Norse myth, just greek, don't kill me.

We were making plans when a bunch of explosions went off and caused a landslide to come down at us. We fled to the cars and bolted for the edge of town. One got clear, the one I was in got half buried, bet we were okay. The third... well... that had most of Hal's friends inside and it got crushed. He took it pretty hard, understandably. Though, he said something about them being in Valhalla and that they could be brought back. I do know that much about Norse myth that those guys must have been the Glorious Dead. Huh.

So, we dug out the truck and met back up with the others. We didn't have a lot of options so we had to hoof-it back into Whittier and up the mountain. We knew about the different dig sites, we just had to find the right one. I did this thing, by looking at the moon and brushing it off and I could see the surrounding area (Don't ask me how I knew I could do that... I just did. Being a Scion is weird). I found the camp, and while we debated about what to do, I found another one nearby. We decided to steal some cars and rig them with explosives.

Then the fun part came! We drove those cars right into their camp and blew up some stuff! It was awesome. We kicked some giant ass for a bit, but then... I happen to notice the fire spreading to an ammo crate. I yelled for everyone to get clear, I even tried to knock a giant onto the crate... didn't work. I blacked out again. I remember a boom, and pain.

I wasn't out long (thank god), and woke up fully healed... in the middle of a big fire! So, yeah..  my clothes got burned away. I didn't notice until Lexi called attention to it. Hal lost his clothes (Nope, I'm not telling you what I got to see) and Claire was reduced to her kevlar vest and daisy dukes (rowr!). A lot of eyeballing occurred.

Once we stopped ogling each other (okay, I did most of the ogling) we went into the mine. Oh, I forgot to mention, this is when we thought Andrew was dead, because we couldn't find him. We found our way into this big feasting hall meant for giants and the gate we were looking for. As well as a couple other giants and this guy with white hair and black skin.

That was Rigvar, the guy in charge. Well, in the blink of an eye, Claire shot him and Hal nearly punched his head off. In fact, he tore it off after. Andrew had managed to steal a MIST uniform and sneak in, so while we were dealing with Rigvar, he was trying to seal the gate.

The two giant guards were scared and made for the exit, only to run into the spears of a team of valkyries and the Director (she's earning a lot of Cool Points). I rushed to help Andrew with the Gate. We had to pry these crystals out that were made from Utgard-Loki's essence, or something. I pried out one, Andrew another, and Hall the third.

Before we did that, Ugard-Loki himself appeared in the gate, not happy with us. He even called Andrew by name! I've never been so cold in my life! We closed the gate and kept big bad from coming through. Thankfully, the Director had some spare uniforms she could give us, though, by that point, the only think keeping me "decent" was the silver second-skin I had.

We had a moment to take a breather, and... things happened. Kenny and Hal got to talking and were sharing a flask. I could tell they were checking each other out. While Claire and I... we got a bit naughty. We egged each other into a date and she made a "pics or it didn't happen" about my earlier nudity. I answered by doing a little strip... which she took photos of on her phone. I guess I got caught in the moment? It's a bit weird to look back on and talk about it. Oh well, Claire is too much fun. ^^

Wow, this was long and I'm not done yet. Time for a new entry!

Next Time: Part 2, Getting Trolled by Trolls

The Rest of the Band

Time to give you my thoughts about the people I'm kicking ass and taking names with! Since we're called a "band" I'm going to include some joke positions. :D

Lexi Archer - Lexi is GORGEOUS! Like, you have no idea. Supermodels? Celebrities? They've got NOTHING on her. Her mom is Aphrodite and it SHOWS. She's really shy and stuff, she tends to hide when the rest of us start fighting. I can tell it frustrates her (if the time she blinded me is any indicator), but I just don't see how you can trust anything a titanspawn says or does. Still, if she gets over her shyness, I think she could really be something.
Position: Sax (She's amazingly good with this. Apparently she can learn things by playing it.)

Hal North - The guy is BIG. Like, linebacker big. He says it's because of the yotunboot.... *does a google search* sorry, jotunblood (Giant's Blood?). I told Claire he could make some strong kids, and if he wasn't getting close with Kenny, I'd consider him if I ever wanted kids. Anyway, he hasn't told me much about where he comes from, but we regularly compete against each other in the gym. He's been super serious about kicking the crap out of anyone who hurts his friends. Just a big softy, really.
Position: Drummer, he likes to hit things... with his fist... in the face.

Claire McKenzie - You ever read about those firey red-heads who can look amazing while kicking your ass? Yeah, we've got two of those and Claire is one of them. Her divine father is Man...Mannannannan.... (*searches*) Manannan Mac Lir (There's a mouthful!). She's so much fun! I don't think she liked me much, at first, 'cause I like to charge in, while she's the sneaky-sneaky type. That's changed now. See, she and I have this thing were we egg each other on with lewd comments and verbal barbs... that ended up in us scheduling a date, when we got out of the mountain (more on that later).
Position: Synth Boards (She's always on her laptop and seems to have a knack for tech. I think she could manage that.)

Kennedy Nic Branagain - The other hot, redheaded irish girl on the team. Where Claire is fire in brimstone, Kenny is cold as ice. Calm, collected, and a hell of a shot. Her mother is someone called The Morrigan. Kenny hasn't told me much about herself, either, but then, she's not really talkative... accept with Hal. She must like 'em big. (hehehe) She does have the CUTEST little wolf following her around, though. She wears this military looking stuff so maybe that's what she did.
Position: Erm... Bass? I donno. O.O

Andrew Zehuti - You ever see that guy on the news who's always digging up stuff? Yeah, that guy. Yes, he's a child of a God, too. Thoth, to be exact. Andrew I probably understand the least. He's really smart and seems to pick up on a lot of things we missed. Heck, he managed to infiltrate the mountain while the rest of us thought he was dead! He's a pretty stand-up guy, though. Good to have around.
Position: Songwriter?


Next Time: Under the Mountain

First Entry

So, after I got back to my apartment at MIST I called up my mom and told her all about my grand adventures under a mountain. She insisted I start a journal blog like others in my "Band" as she called it. Could we be a band? Lexi is amazing with her saxophone. But, I'm getting ahead of myself.

I think the best way to start this is by talking about myself. I'm Cindy Fisher, I was raised in South Florida by two wonderful women who were my adopted parents. I was always very sporty in school, but I loved to make jewelry and do other arts and crafts stuff, too. All in all, fairly average. Or, so I thought.

Come to find out, I'm the daughter of a Greek God (now all those lessons in fighting and mythology make sense). My father is Poseidon, God of the Sea, which I can totally see now, since my big passion is swimming, diving and jet skiing. Apparently my birth mother was killed by a creature called a titanspawn and he took me to my foster mothers to have them raise me.

The one who taught me all I know about fighting and athletics was Kyria Greico. I thought she was just an ex-body builder with Italian heritage. Turns out she's an Amazon. A real, honest-to-God Amazon. When I found out what I was she gave me this awesome axe that had been in her family for generations!

My other mother, Indigo, was actually a sea nymph! She was the one who helped nurture my artistic side. I love to paint and I'm damn good at making jewelry, if I do say so myself. I should see if anyone else in the gang wants me to make something for them.

So, long story short, this girl, Ellen, shows up at our door to recruit me for something called MIST. Turns out her mother is Artemis, by the way (She had the coolest silver moon pendant to give me, too!). Apparently MIST is some sort of supernatural FBI/CIA thingy. I also found out that it's sponsored by the other pantheons (there are OTHER pantheons! OMG!). It sounded really awesome and my mothers told me it would be the best for me, so I accepted.

I've got other things to talk about; my team and the adventure we had, so I'll break those up into other entries. Stay tuned!

Next Time: Thoughts on the Band