Thursday, December 22, 2011


Oh man, did that suck!

Okay, so, when I got into the ocean to help fight off the sea serpents, there were these little buggers chewing on the hull of the ship. I had to freeze the water around the hull to keep the ship from sinking and it trapped the little buggers there.

Hal and the gun users on the boat were having a hell of a time trying to damage the serpent. I made sure these sea-based titanspawn knew who was the real master of the ocean. I summoned up something from a dark place inside me and let loose with a whirlpool of ice shards and slashed the serpent to ribbons. The other one got the hell out after that.

That lefts us to deal with the boat. Hal and I stripped away the ice and got the little creatures free. They looked like octopi with baby heads... weird shit. They fled as soon as the were loose, so nothing to worry about. On the inside, Andrew and the werewolves were tacking down the holes the creatures chewed.

Then things got hot. Real hot. We were getting close to the island and some sort of defense lit us up and started to burn the ship and boil the ocean. Like burning ants with a magnifying glass. I was getting boiled in my armor.

Claire came to the rescue, though. She found a shield in the hold and I don't know how she figured this out, but she carried it to the deck and shouted to Avalon that we were bringing Arthur's corpse. Then it gave us a shroud. Weird. But cool.

So, we landed in a little boathouse and got off the boat.. which was beginning to shake. Claire stayed onboard and was reading the back of the shield. Then the boat was absorbed into the shield and Claire was dropped right into the water. I guess that solves how we get Arthur to his final destination.

Hal wants to stop and plan, but we just don't have the time.  I think Kennedy mentioned that the temple we need to get to was what nearly burned us to death, I have to double check. Lexi is doing her music thing which could provide answers, too. We need to keep moving, we're in enemy territory and they may know we're here. Things are only going to be harder from here on out.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Into the Mist

Allies were gathered, supplies stowed, and everyone made ready. Mannanan gave us a good luck speech before we sailed away from Ireland heading towards Avalon.

It took us nearly the whole time we had to avoid Altair to get the ship seaworthy again. Ken got some of her werewolf pals to come and we rejoined with the boy band (Hal's Einherjar).

Andrew was pacing around and getting himself worked up. I guess I can't blame him. Everyone else seems to be on much better terms with their divine parent than I am. Heck, even Lexi has at least MET Aphrodite. Anyway, Ken gave him some encouraging words and I started him on the right direction for his books: Finding out where Thoth is being kept.

We had a bit of banter that I really want to share:
Claire had taken the wheel and was wearing a pirate hat (yeah, I know). She was complaining that she needed a sword and Lexi said, "If you wanted a sword then you should be dating a girl." to which Claire replied, "At least my lover doesn't run on batteries." That was hysterical.

Anyway, we finally sailed into this supernatural mist. Yeah. Mists of Avalon, the organization being called MIST. Someone deserves a good swatting for that. The stuff was thick and pliable, really weird.

Then some weird fish started chewing on the hull and a big sea serpent started swimming around the boat. Hal and I took the fight to the water. Now I can put my whole "daughter of a sea god" thing to good use.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

On the Eve of Battle

A lot has happened in the last few hours. Hopefully I can keep my thoughts organized. It's all only now beginning to sink in.

First, I got out of the shower and found that I'd grown... by like... a foot. I'm as tall as Claire. This means that the pull of Utgard-Loki is getting stronger. It has me pretty frightened. But, we have no time to devote to curing me.

Claire gave me some spare clothes I could fit into, then we had a sit-down with Odin and Manannan. Some bombshells were dropped; Ragnarok, the Norse End-of-the-World is on the horizon. This coming winter will be Fimbulvinter, the "Final Winter". He says Jotunheim will taint the world. I'm afraid that's when Utgard-Loki will try to claim me as a servant.

That wasn't the end of the bad news. Andrew, who'd been brought back to us, revealed why he'd run off. He was trying to get back to MIST because he knew his dad, the God Thoth, was in trouble. All the things were laid out: The Yazata claimed MIST and Thoth in order to make sure Ragnarok happens, despite Odin's efforts. Odin assured us that he had a way around Ragnarok, but needed more time.

That gave us two options: Assault MIST to free Thoth because he could help give us that time, or, more directly, travel to a mountain where the Yazata held a relic that let them control the Titan of Time. I brought it to a vote. We unanimously decided to go after Thoth.

Manannan offered some help. We headed into a rainbow portal and into a bubble of air deep beneath the ocean. I started getting pretty giddy. Daughter of an Ocean God and whatnot. The beauty of the deep sea is indescribable. In this pocket of air was was a wrecked ship. More bombshells: This was the ship that was lost while carrying King Arthur's (a Scion) remains to Avalon. Avalon being the island were MIST was set up. Because the ship is destined to carry Arthur to Avalon, we can use it to get back to the island without drawing attention to ourselves.

I feel pretty profoundly affected by this. I mean... carrying the remains of King Arthur back to Avalon, completing a voyage that began well over a thousand years ago. It's amazing. Though it's not as simple as that, the ship sank for a reason. Manannan transported us and the boat to a drydock and we have to repair the ship. Good thing mom taught me about building canoes and maintaining boats, I can really be a great help here.

Then Manannan left us with one last comment, that we need to make peace with our mortal lives. We're going to battle and we may not come back. I've had several brushes with death already, but those hit me by surprise. It's different going into a situation where even a God warns you that you will likely die. Hal and I have a lot of durability, but I worry for Lexi and Andrew. No one is going to get killed while I still breathe.

I have some things to do and I need to get them done fast. We only have a few days before Altair is able to track us again and I intend to be on the way to Avalon before then. I have to call my mothers and talk to them. No doubt Kyria will wish me a glorious battle. I don't know how Indigo will react, she's been around a long time, but I've still been like a real daughter to her.

Then there's Bryn. I'm going to write a letter and ask Odin to deliver it for me. I don't have any time, Odin will be leaving soon and I'm not sure what to say. I may never know her reaction to the ring I made her, I may never see her again.... I'll think of something.

And Claire... she's been there for me in a lot of ways. She'll tell me we'll be fine. We'll kick a lot of ass and be home in time for lunch. I don't want to sound like I'm being fatalistic, but I can't take the risk of leaving things unsaid....
I think I know how King Leonidas felt, marching to battle against the Persians.

Friday, December 2, 2011

A Lover's Spat

We've all been pretty subdued the past couple of days. Hal's been brooding. I've been brooding. This setback has shaken all of us. Morale is down, prides are injured, and things are at an all time low.

I got to vent some of my feelings to Claire, when she checked in on me. She did a lot to make me feel better. We had what was probably our first serious talk. If you know Claire, you know she's always a firebrand of cussing and aggression and snark. This was the first time I ever saw her so... level, so serious. It was kind of eerie. She took me out on the town and we hit a few bars and saw some sites. Made me feel much better.

We all got together outside Manannan's house, but no one was much in the mood for talking. I tried to get things going, but we got interrupted by one of Claire's half-siblings (I think? Theres an awful lot of kids running around here that share resemblances between Claire and Kenny). Speaking of Kenny, she looks like she's still pissed. So much so she was walking around in wolf-form (she can do that now) and talking through a younger sibling. That got on Hal's nerves.

Anyway, we were asked to find a horse creature called Kelpie that the kid managed to let get away. We didn't get very far when we saw Odin arrive. Friggen Odin! You know, it didn't occur to me at the time but, since I'm sort of courting Bryn, does that mean I just met her dad, too? (Bryn's fine, by the way. I asked. She's apparently pretty pissed).

So, we wandered up to Odin, welcomed him and he and Manannan sat down and puffed on some pipes and played smoke-wars with each other. While the Gods amused themselves with smoke creatures/objects, they listened in on our thoughts about what was going on. Thaaaaaats when things got ugly.

In the middle of brainstorming, Kenny called out Hal on his tendency to shut down ideas that disagree with his world-view. Specifically ideas that come from Kenny that don't include demonizing all the Yazata. We all did the awkward "stare at the drink" bit to avoid getting caught in the argument. Cripes, even Odin spoke up and suggested we take the conversation indoors to let the pair argue with each other.

So, we're taking a moment to reorganize our thoughts about what's going on. Not having any information is bad. Claire suggested we go back after Klein in Germany, but I don't think he's even there anymore. Heck, the Yazata probably tipped him off to us after we got away.

Alongside trying to get evidence of the real corruption is giving something our avenging angel hunter can focus on instead of me. Though he seems convinced of his rightness that I don't see how it's possible. Though, one of the Gods suggested it, so the idea must have a chance.

I.... ugh... I feel off. My body aches and my clothes feel tight. I'm going to excuse myself for a shower, help me clear my head a bit.


Um.... I think we've got a problem... my clothes don't fit.