Anubis' portal took us to Rome, more specifically, the Vatican. The Elohim and Pesedjet have a long-standing treaty, or something. Though, our arrival was a bit marred as Kennedy didn't appear with us on the other end. Of course, we all got in a fuss about finding her. Lexi did her music thing (though I can't believe she sang "Call me, Maybe") and found out she was okay, so we got calmed down.
We were greeted by Mot and Kothar (who, I admit, I know nothing about. I didn't even fully realize they were gods until Claire got snippy). Speaking of Claire getting snippy, well...
Mot had a few terms to deliver in return for the aid in letting us pass through their territory and letting us meet up with our allies. I held my breath because I know Claire doesn't respond well to demands made of her. She was terse in her response, which is much better than I expected, but Mot made his displeasure with her tone clear.
Claire covered her gaff and the two shook on an agreement that we wouldn't drag the Elohim into the conflict. To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if they got pulled in anyway, without our presence. I also noticed an interesting peculiarity in the Elohim repeatedly referring to the Dodekatheon by their Roman names. I'm not sure what that's about, but I felt it would have been inappropriate to ask.
We moved on to pick up Kennedy, who'd been deposited in the Basilica Sanctae Mariae de Ara Coeli. That's also when I noticed I could actually feel the coolness of the night air. It was a giddy realization to know that that nightmare was officially over. I've even begun to feel my head clear, like I'm more focused than I've felt in... a long time.
Anyway, enough about me. We found Kennedy and you'll never guess what: Rufus was with her! Yeah, somehow he'd been restored and well... his pleasant demeanor is gone. He's... more shadow and fury, now. No petting allowed. Kennedy told us she'd been pulled from the group by Hera who wanted to know her intentions. If she really wanted to help restore the Dodekatheon or if she was just looking to stir up trouble.
I asked her about that because it was odd that Hera would scoop up Kennedy and not Claire, who's in charge of our little insurrection. Kennedy told me it had something to do with the complex history between her family and Hera. That's a story I plan to pull from her eventually.
All that's left is to meet up with Artemis and Ares, then we have to establish a base of opperations.
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